Wednesday 18 February 2015

7 Reasons for Healthy Relationship

I have often been asked, "What makes a relationship work?" Here are my Top 7 Tips for a successful relationship.

Not everything is going to work for everybody, but using any one of these tips will improve your relationship.


Communication is key. It is one of the most important qualities in keeping a healthy relationship. However, not everyone knows how to communicate properly, or even communicate at all. Happy and healthy couples have their communication game down. They communicate the good. They vocalize their love for one another, saying “I love you” often and offering compliments to their partner.


Your partner's wishes and feelings have value. Let your significant other know you are making an effort to keep their ideas in mind. Mutual respect is essential in maintaining healthy relationships.

Focus on giving love

Genuine happiness is not about feeling good about ourselves because other people love us; it’s more about how well we have loved ourselves and others. The unintentional outcome of loving others more deeply is that we are loved more deeply.

Admit your mistakes

If you know you've done something to hurt your partner, intentionally or not, own up to it. Humble yourself and apologize sincerely, without making excuses or justifications like "I'm sorry you made me angry."

Laugh together

Laugh at one another with the security of love. Laughter helps the world go 'round, and it may with your relationship

hold each other, during tough times

A tell-tale sign of a healthy relationship is how you support each other during these trying times. Don’t be afraid to cry together and experience pain and suffering. Tragic events often take our breath away and make us feel like the world around us is caving in. But the fact that you’re still here means you have a 100 percent success rate with overcoming tough times.


Do not ever hide anything from him/her

Especially your feelings about him/her and your relationship - whether good or bad! This way you will be able to overcome all the difficulties and challenges together. If something bad happened in your past that still affects you in the present, he/she needs to know about it. 

And lastly…Start over again and again... <3 <3 <3

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